Move windows between Spaces in Mac OS X using only the keyboard

How can I change the active space while taking the active window with me?

In Gnome, I can press Shift-Ctrl-Arrow to move virtual desktops, bringing along the active window.

I'd love the functionality to be the same in Mac OS X using Spaces, any ideas?

Solution 1:

Unfortunately, there's no keyboard-only shortcut (AFAIK). However, if you click and hold the window you're trying to move and then use the keyboard shortcut you have assigned to the Space you want to move the window to (typically Ctrl+2 or whatever the Space number is), that will do what you're looking for (move the window to the chosen Space and make it the active one).

Source: Move windows to Spaces via keyboard shortcut Desktop

Solution 2:

SizeUp offers this feature.

It's not possible without third party software, not even Hyperspaces does it, surprisingly.