Let say I have the following values in the cells

A1 : `=Now()` which displays 17.03.2014 13:45 
A2 : 12.03.2014

Both are in date format and I have the function in another cells like this:

B1 : `=TEXT(A1;"dd.mm.yyyy")`
B2 : `=TEXT(A2;"dd mm yyyy")`

In the first case I received a #VALUE Error in the cell In the second case I received : dd 03 yyyy like only the month is working.

I am under Windows 7 and Office 2013 Professional.

Any guess what it could be?

Solution 1:

Your code works fine for me.

Although I have to use

B1 : =TEXT(A1,"dd.mm.yyyy")    
B2 : =TEXT(A2,"dd mm yyyy")

I am guessing the reason I use , instead of ; is due to the difference of language. The fault is more likely to be due to dd.mm.yyyy

For example, I know in Germany, I can't use dd because d (day) in German is tag, and as such it requires tt

I'm guessing the month is fine, based upon your dd 03 yyyy... Switzerland uses many languages I think and so I have no idea what to try, but, something like tt.mm.jjjj