New posts in ordinals

Is there a generalization of transfinite recursion that allows defining proper classes?

I want to know why $\omega \neq \omega+1$. [closed]

If $\alpha\ne\beta$ are ordinals and $\alpha\subset\beta$ show $\alpha\in\beta$

Indecomposable limit ordinals

Do we get predicative ordinals above $\Gamma_0$ if we use hyperexponentiation?

How to formalize the below solution

First uncountable ordinal

What is the cardinality of $\Omega$?

Directed limits of topological spaces and embeddings

Transitive sets: problem in proof of Lemma I.8.6 of Kunen's 'Foundations of Mathematics'

Why are infinite cardinals limit ordinals?

Is there an easy way in .NET to get "st", "nd", "rd" and "th" endings for numbers? [duplicate]

Union of ordinals

The structure of countable ordinals

An order type $\tau$ equal to its power $\tau^n, n>2$

Ordinal interpretation of Friedman's $n$?

What's the definition of limit of sets(esp. ordinals) in set theory?

When the ordinal sum equals the Hessenberg ("natural") sum

The preorder of countable order types

cardinal's arithmetic