Is there an easy way in .NET to get "st", "nd", "rd" and "th" endings for numbers? [duplicate]

I am wondering if there is a method or format string I'm missing in .NET to convert the following:

   1 to 1st
   2 to 2nd
   3 to 3rd
   4 to 4th
  11 to 11th
 101 to 101st
 111 to 111th

This link has a bad example of the basic principle involved in writing your own function, but I am more curious if there is an inbuilt capacity I'm missing.


Scott Hanselman's answer is the accepted one because it answers the question directly.

For a solution however, see this great answer.

Solution 1:

It's a function which is a lot simpler than you think. Though there might be a .NET function already in existence for this, the following function (written in PHP) does the job. It shouldn't be too hard to port it over.

function ordinal($num) {
    $ones = $num % 10;
    $tens = floor($num / 10) % 10;
    if ($tens == 1) {
        $suff = "th";
    } else {
        switch ($ones) {
            case 1 : $suff = "st"; break;
            case 2 : $suff = "nd"; break;
            case 3 : $suff = "rd"; break;
            default : $suff = "th";
    return $num . $suff;

Solution 2:

Simple, clean, quick

    private static string GetOrdinalSuffix(int num)
        string number = num.ToString();
        if (number.EndsWith("11")) return "th";
        if (number.EndsWith("12")) return "th";
        if (number.EndsWith("13")) return "th";
        if (number.EndsWith("1")) return "st";
        if (number.EndsWith("2")) return "nd";
        if (number.EndsWith("3")) return "rd";
        return "th";

Or better yet, as an extension method

public static class IntegerExtensions
    public static string DisplayWithSuffix(this int num)
        string number = num.ToString();
        if (number.EndsWith("11")) return number + "th";
        if (number.EndsWith("12")) return number + "th";
        if (number.EndsWith("13")) return number + "th";
        if (number.EndsWith("1")) return number + "st";
        if (number.EndsWith("2")) return number + "nd";
        if (number.EndsWith("3")) return number + "rd";
        return number + "th";

Now you can just call

int a = 1;

or even as direct as


Solution 3:

No, there is no inbuilt capability in the .NET Base Class Library.

Solution 4:

@nickf: Here is the PHP function in C#:

public static string Ordinal(int number)
    string suffix = String.Empty;

    int ones = number % 10;
    int tens = (int)Math.Floor(number / 10M) % 10;

    if (tens == 1)
        suffix = "th";
        switch (ones)
            case 1:
                suffix = "st";

            case 2:
                suffix = "nd";

            case 3:
                suffix = "rd";

                suffix = "th";
    return String.Format("{0}{1}", number, suffix);

Solution 5:

This has already been covered but I'm unsure how to link to it. Here is the code snippit:

    public static string Ordinal(this int number)
        var ones = number % 10;
        var tens = Math.Floor (number / 10f) % 10;
        if (tens == 1)
            return number + "th";

        switch (ones)
            case 1: return number + "st";
            case 2: return number + "nd";
            case 3: return number + "rd";
            default: return number + "th";

FYI: This is as an extension method. If your .NET version is less than 3.5 just remove the this keyword

[EDIT]: Thanks for pointing that it was incorrect, that's what you get for copy / pasting code :)