New posts in ordinals

Non-existence of a surjection $\aleph_n \to \aleph_{n+1}$, without the axiom of choice

$\varepsilon$-number countability without choice

Linearly ordered sets "somewhat similar" to $\mathbb{Q}$

Are these two parametric versions of Transfinite Recursion equivalent?

How many epsilon numbers $<\omega_1$ are there?

How many ordinals can we cram into $\mathbb{R}_+$, respecting order?

How to show countability of $\omega^\omega$ or $\epsilon_0$ in ZF?

Can we describe any subsets of $\mathbb{N}$ occurring in a late layer of the Constructible Universe?

Ordinal exponentiation - $2^{\omega}=\omega$

Hessenberg power of ordinals

Benefits Of Using SQL Ordinal Position Notation?

Do there exist totally ordered sets with the 'distinct order type' property that are not well-ordered?

Infinite combinatorial games

Best known upper and lower bounds for $\omega_1$

Surcomplex numbers and the largest algebraically closed field

Prove that no ordinal is an element of itself

Prove that $\forall\alpha\geq\omega$, $|L_\alpha|=|\alpha|$ without AC

Commutativity of Ordinal Multiplication

Can any infinite ordinal be expressed as the sum of a limit ordinal and a finite ordinal?

How to identify limit ordinals?