New posts in operator-algebras

Proposition 1.4 in Takesaki's book "Theory of operator algebra": about the spectral integral

Spectral decomposition of compact self-adjoint operator

Spectral integral: verification of my conceptual understanding

What exactly is "halving" a projection in a von Neumann algebra?

Why is every positive linear map between $C^*$-algebras bounded?

Takesaki theorem 2.6 clarification

Is there an algebraic homomorphism between two Banach algebras which is not continuous?

Takesaki theorem 1.8: Is functional well-defined?

Reference for spectral sequences

Takesaki corollary 3.6

Cayley transform is well-defined

Norm of an inverse operator: $\|T^{-1}\|=\|T\|^{-1}$?

$C^*$-algebra which is also a Hilbert space?

Consequences of Proposition 1.1 on Semi-inner-product $A$-modules

Takesaki lemma 4.5

Gelfand Topology and C*-algebras

Motivation for abstract harmonic analysis

An application of Hahn-Banach theorem in the context of $C^{\ast}$-algebra.

Restriction of state on unitisation

Is $\|\varphi\| = \|\varphi p\| + \|\varphi(1-p)\|$?.