New posts in offensive-language

Is "bollocks" really a swear word? [closed]

Is this sentence “derogatory”? [closed]

Any less impolite alternatives for the too-informal interjection “Hell”?

Why is it "to have sex" instead of "to sex?"

Freshman or Freshwoman

Can the word FAQ be considered offensive?

Sun doesn't / don't shine? [duplicate]

How can I replace the most popular cuss words with words which don't sound overly deliberately euphemistic and outright childish? [closed]

anatomically correct without sexual connotation [closed]

Isn't "dummy" in "HTML Parser for Dummies" considered offensive?

Is “left-handed compliment” considered offensive?

How does suffixing adjectives with "ass" work out grammatically?

American word for commode

Is the word "savage" offensive?

How common is "fugly"?

Is the acronym PIGS (or PIIGS) offensive?

Using the word "coon" as part of a company name

Someone told me "fair" is the "F" word, they don't like it in their house. Should I avoid using it?

What’s a non-vulgar alternative for “covering one’s ***”? [duplicate]

Is the verb "jimmy" related to "Jim Crow"?