New posts in number-systems

Fractions in binary?

Does set $\mathbb{R}^+$ include zero?

Displaying a number in Indian format using Javascript

What is the most efficient numerical base system?

Find palindromes in two consecutive number bases?

How to demonstrate the method used to convert decimal to any other base?

How do you say $10$ when it's in binary?

Structures emerging in a discrete plot of palindromic numbers

Changing a number between arbitrary bases

What mathematical structure models arithmetic with physical units?

Is $1+1 = 2$ true in any base?

Why do some divisibility rules work only in base 10?

How to write zero in the unary numeral system

Can a number be a palindrome in 4 consecutive number bases?

What could be better than base 10?

What is the smallest positive multiple of 450 whose digits are all zeroes and ones?

Pattern "inside" prime numbers

Is there a third dimension of numbers?

Quickest way to convert a base 10 number to any base in .NET?

Why is $\lim_{b \rightarrow 1} concat_b(x,y) \ne x+y$ for base-$b$?