New posts in notification

notify-osd replaced with dunst after switching back to unity from i3wm

Mail when root logs in but not from local host

Notification are currently provided by 'KDE plasma'

How to make Firefox use native notification (notify-osd)?

Show notifications with notify-send when application is full screen?

How can I play a custom sound when my battery is low?

How to enable notification area (systray) for Pidgin

Applications emitting desktop notifications freeze for some time

Bionic: Block Notification: laptop Battery Critically Low

Is there a fancy vertical notification OSD that works for both ALSA and pulseaudio?

Can org.freedesktop.Notifications.CloseNotification(uint id) be triggered and invoked via DBus?

What is the name of the program that displays the notifications?

How can I get desktop notifications on irssi?

Quick shortcut to dismiss notifications in Gnome 3?

How to enable Empathy chat room notifications?

How do I get thunderbird to give notifications for only my inbox

Konsole - silence in session 'Default'

Is there a way to theme the notifications in XFCE?

How to make Gwibber notifications clickable?

cannot find/read/delete new notifications on lock screen