New posts in lock-screen

How to automatically lock my computer after logged in via auto login

Disable lock screen dimming in 16.04

Removing clock from the lock-screen

Ubuntu 20.04 login screen doesn't appear on the primary screen

Windows 10 lock screen background different on startup

Xubuntu frozen when locking screen

Xubuntu doesn't lock screen anymore

Unity Ctrl + Alt + Del set default value to 'Lock'

In Windows 10 can ProgramData/.../SystemData Folder be emptied of contents without consequence?

How can I custom format the lock screen date in Ubuntu 20.04 without extensions?

Can't lock screen with shortcut on Ubuntu 20.04 gnome

How do I set up USB security key based authentication?

How can I adjust the font size, color, boldness, etc. of the clock and date on the 20.04 lock screen?

Change time between screensaver-start and screen-lock

How to lock without turning the screen (monitor) off?

Making gnome-screensaver auto-lock in XFCE

Locked computer gets very hot despite no CPU-intensive tasks running

Ubuntu 18.04 will not stop blanking screen

Can I change the lock screen background to be different from the desktop background?

What is wrong with this method of using an alternate lock screen background?