New posts in lock-screen

How to prevent Xubuntu from suspend?

After locking the screen in Ubuntu 14.04, password is not accepted, How can it be fixed?

Is there a way to change the Lock Screen without using PC Settings?

Lock screen will not unlock in Ubuntu 20.04

How can I set a limit for incorrect password attempts for GDM lock screen before action is taken?

Keep computer locked in a view-only state

Gdm3 lock & switch to greeter from command line

XFCE un- lock screen not working (XFCE4, lightdm)

Lock screen Ubuntu 16.04

Slideshow on Lockscreen not working

Can I somehow pause all processes of an user logged in in background?

How to lock the screen in XUbuntu 16.04

Remove Lock Screen from Windows 10 [duplicate]

How to lock Windows 10 screen without a keyboard?

How to enable new lock screen on gnome 3.6?

Don't wake screen on notifications when locked

How can I put a "lock sreen" icon on the launcher?

lockscreen not available Ubuntu 20.04.2

I get an error message after my laptop sleeps, before login appears

Ubuntu 16.04 keeps turning off the screen after 10 minutes