Can I somehow pause all processes of an user logged in in background?

Solution 1:

One way would be to send the SIGSTOP signal to all of your brother's processes:

sudo pkill -STOP -u brother

To awaken the stopped processes, the SIGCONT signal is used:

sudo pkill -CONT -u brother

You can use an Upstart session job, one which would run when you logged in or out or locked or unlocked your screen. For example, create a .conf file in ~/.config/upstart (say ~/.config/upstart/stop-brother.conf) containing:

description "Stop all my brother's processes"
start on desktop-start or desktop-unlock

exec sudo pkill -STOP -u brother

And a converse file (say ~/.config/upstart/start-brother.conf) containing:

description "Resume all my brother's processes"
start on desktop-end or desktop-lock

exec sudo pkill -CONT -u brother

You also need a NOPASSWD entry in sudoers:

sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/stop-brother <<EOF
$USER ALL = (ALL) /usr/bin/pkill -STOP -u brother, /usr/bin/pkill -CONT -u brother

Now the signals should be sent automatically when you log in, log out, lock or unlock the screen. You can manually initiate either using:

start stop-brother
start start-brother

Solution 2:

Check which application is taking higher resources.

Find the pid of that application using the command

pidof "application name" without the quotes.

 sudo kill -STOP "ID of the process"

Then once you have completed your work use the below command to start that stopped process.

sudo kill -CONT "PID that you have killed earlier"

Give it a try!

Solution 3:

Check this Save and Restore Linux Processes with CRIU