Mail when root logs in but not from local host

The best & the only appropriate approach is to Disable Root SSH Login. No need for email alerts. If something bad happens, it'd be already too late when you finally read the email notification. That is already explained in the article you were following:

So it’s not a good practice to allow direct root login via SSH session and recommend to create non root accounts with sudo access. Whenever root access needed, first logged in as normal user and then use su to switch over to root user. To disable direct SSH root logins, follow our below [Disable SSH Root Login and Limit SSH Access] article that shows how to disable and limit root login in SSH.

If you are still willing to use email alerts instead...

The .bashrc solution seems to be very popular, but has some problems. It gets to run (always and only) when bash is launched. It stops to work if replaced by any other shell, or shell not launched (e.g. login only used for tunneling on SFTP), and it also runs even when SSH is not involved. An attacker could modify the .bashrc before invoking bash in order to circumvent your alert.

Since you probably don't use SSH internally, using ~/.ssh/rc would meet the desired conditions, e.g.

ip=`echo $SSH_CONNECTION | cut -d " " -f 1`
echo "Root login from $ip" | mail -s "Alert: SSH root login from $ip" [email protected]

Then, for global SSH login alerts I wouldn't use anything in users home ~/ as the user can easily modify it. The ~/.ssh/rc can be made a global default by using /etc/ssh/sshrc, and any user can override the settings by using own ~/.ssh/rc, with an easy fallback by removing the file.

If you need to enforce the alert in a way a user cannot override, you could use /etc/pam.d/sshd: add line session optional seteuid /path/to/ where the .sh script sends you (or the user) email.