How to make Gwibber notifications clickable?

Solution 1:

Actually, notify-osd does support this. However, gwibber does not send notifications with the necessary hints to require interaction. And the way notify-osd handles it, may not be what you want. The way this is handled in Unity, is that gwibber adds itself to the Messages indicator, and you click on there to open the gwibber UI, when you get a notification, if you wish to do that.

To make gwibber do it, even if you switch to notification-daemon instead of notify-osd, you will need to patch the code in gwibber to add the necessary hints of interactivity, to the notifications themselves.

Solution 2:

notify-osd doesn't support this (by design). The old notification system (notification-deamon) did support this if the application said it was possible.

You can remove nofify-osd and install notification-deamon and (if I'm reading thinsg right) it should just work. Notification Daemon is set to take precedence over NotifyOSD.

There is an old thread about needing to play around with /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service but the script now suggest this is all accounted for. I only mention this as a reference if things don't go to plan :)

But even if you do get it to work, there's no indication that Gwibber's notifications will be clickable - They may have pulled legacy support for the old notification framework.