New posts in negative-polarity-items

In what dialects is "I don't like it too" grammatical?

Is 'many' used in positive sentences or not?

"Any information" or "some information" [duplicate]

Does "So as long as" mean the same as "Just as long as" in this sentence?

"Know jack" vs. "Don't know jack." [duplicate]

The multiple meanings of "any" in different circumstances

I hardly dared breathe

"No more", "no longer", "not anymore"

"at all" in affirmative sentences without non-assertive words

Is "prohibition against," a double negative?

Why must “has” come before the main verb here? [duplicate]

Emphasis of this double negative? [closed]

Using anymore in the positive

"Never saw" versus "didn't ever see"

use of "everything" or "anything" in positive and negative sentences? [closed]

Another subject-verb agreement [duplicate]

"Nobody ever joined" vs "Nobody joined at all" [duplicate]

"There are things I can't give up either/too", which is correct?

Using "any" and "a" along with "there is"

How to know when to use "someone" or "anyone"?