New posts in natural-numbers

List of powers of Natural Numbers

How to show that this set is finite?

Construction of $g:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}$ surjective, such that $g^{-1}(n)=\infty,\;\forall n\in\mathbb{N}$

The history of set-theoretic definitions of $\mathbb N$

Unboundedness of infinite subsets of natural numbers

Every natural number is covered by consecutive numbers that sum to a prime power.

Demonstration that 0 = 1 [duplicate]

How does Peano Postulates construct Natural numbers only?

How can I define $\mathbb{N}$ if I postulate existence of a Dedekind-infinite set rather than existence of an inductive set?

Are there any two numbers such that multiplying them together is the same as putting their digits next to each other?

Interesting examples of first-order, one-sorted proper extensions of PA

The best symbol for non-negative integers?

Finding an infinite union of disjoint infinite sets to add up to natural numbers [duplicate]

First order logic: if A sentence is satisfiable then it is satisfiable in the natural number + even function

Prove 24 divides $u^3-u$ for all odd natural numbers $u$

Bijection $f\colon\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$ with $f(0)=0$ and $|f(n)-f(n-1)|=n$

Given real numbers: define integers?

Is there a domain "larger" than (i.e., a supserset of) the complex number domain?

Why not to extend the set of natural numbers to make it closed under division by zero?

Is $0$ a natural number?