New posts in mutex

Check to see if a pthread mutex is locked or unlocked (After a thread has locked itself)

When is a condition variable needed, isn't a mutex enough?

System-wide mutex in Python on Linux

How are mutexes implemented?

Why doesn't Mutex get released when disposed?

When to use recursive mutex?

How does a mutex lock and unlock functions prevents CPU reordering?

How can I use something like std::vector<std::mutex>?

Should mutexes be mutable?

C++11 equivalent to boost shared_mutex

How to give priority to privileged thread in mutex locking?

C++11: why does std::condition_variable use std::unique_lock?

pthreads mutex vs semaphore

Is it possible to use Firebase Realtime Database to implement a distributed mutex?

Map with concurrent access

Is it possible to determine the thread holding a mutex?

Share condition variable & mutex between processes: does mutex have to locked before?

Calling pthread_cond_signal without locking mutex

Proper use of mutexes in Python

Which is more efficient, basic mutex lock or atomic integer?