New posts in move-semantics

Why doesn't `std::stringstream::stringstream(std::string&&)` exist?

Initializer-list-constructing a vector of noncopyable (but movable) objects

Transferring the ownership of object from one unique_ptr to another unique_ptr in C++11?

Move out element of std priority_queue in C++11

Is std::array movable?

When is explicit move needed for a return statement?

Should we write `std::move` in the cases when RVO can not be done?

Should the Copy-and-Swap Idiom become the Copy-and-Move Idiom in C++11?

Overload on reference, versus sole pass-by-value + std::move?

copy vs std::move for ints

Move semantics and function order evaluation

What is a "Regular Type" in the context of move semantics?

problems with Move constructor and Move overloaded assignment operator?

Why is derived class move constructible when base class isn't?

Move constructor on derived object

Should I delete the move constructor and the move assignment of a smart pointer?

Move or Named Return Value Optimization (NRVO)?

Move semantics == custom swap function obsolete?

Workarounds for no 'rvalue references to *this' feature

Can I typically/always use std::forward instead of std::move?