Should the Copy-and-Swap Idiom become the Copy-and-Move Idiom in C++11?

Give each special member the tender loving care it deserves, and try to default them as much as possible:

class MyClass
    BigClass data;
    std::unique_ptr<UnmovableClass> dataPtr;

    MyClass() = default;
    ~MyClass() = default;
    MyClass(const MyClass& other)
        : data(
        , dataPtr(other.dataPtr ? new UnmovableClass(*other.dataPtr)
                                : nullptr)
        { }
    MyClass& operator=(const MyClass& other)
        if (this != &other)
            data =;
            dataPtr.reset(other.dataPtr ? new UnmovableClass(*other.dataPtr)
                                        : nullptr);
        return *this;
    MyClass(MyClass&&) = default;
    MyClass& operator=(MyClass&&) = default;

    friend void swap(MyClass& first, MyClass& second)
        using std::swap;
        swap(first.dataPtr, second.dataPtr);

The destructor could be implicitly defaulted above if desired. Everything else needs to be explicitly defined or defaulted for this example.


The copy/swap idiom will likely cost you performance (see the slides). For example ever wonder why high performance / often used std::types like std::vector and std::string don't use copy/swap? Poor performance is the reason. If BigClass contains any std::vectors or std::strings (which seems likely), your best bet is to call their special members from your special members. The above is how to do that.

If you need strong exception safety on the assignment, see the slides for how to offer that in addition to performance (search for "strong_assign").

First of all, it is generally unnecessary to write a swap function in C++11 as long as your class is movable. The default swap will resort to moves:

void swap(T& left, T& right) {
    T tmp(std::move(left));
    left = std::move(right);
    right = std::move(tmp);

And that's it, the elements are swapped.

Second, based on this, the Copy-And-Swap actually still holds:

T& T::operator=(T const& left) {
    using std::swap;
    T tmp(left);
    swap(*this, tmp);
    return *this;

// Let's not forget the move-assignment operator to power down the swap.
T& T::operator=(T&&) = default;

Will either copy and swap (which is a move) or move and swap (which is a move), and should always achieve close to the optimum performance. There might be a couple redundant assignments, but hopefully your compiler will take care of it.

EDIT: this only implements the copy-assignment operator; a separate move-assignment operator is also required, though it can be defaulted, otherwise a stack overflow will occur (move-assignment and swap calling each other indefinitely).

It's been a long time since I asked this question, and I've known the answer for a while now, but I've put off writing the answer for it. Here it is.

The answer is no. The Copy-and-swap idiom should not become the Copy-and-move idiom.

An important part of Copy-and-swap (which is also Move-construct-and-swap) is a way to implement assignment operators with safe cleanup. The old data is swapped into a copy-constructed or move-constructed temporary. When the operation is done, the temporary is deleted, and its destructor is called.

The swap behaviour is there to be able to reuse the destructor, so you don't have to write any cleanup code in your assignment operators.

If there's no cleanup behaviour to be done and only assignment, then you should be able to declare the assignment operators as default and copy-and-swap isn't needed.

The move constructor itself usually doesn't require any clean-up behaviour, since it's a new object. The general simple approach is to make the move constructor invoke the default constructor, and then swap all the members with the move-from object. The moved-from object will then be like a bland default-constructed object.

However, in this question's observer pattern example, that's actually an exception where you have to do extra cleanup work because references to the old object need to be changed. In general, I would recommend making your observers and observables, and other design constructs based around references, unmovable whenever possible.