Move semantics == custom swap function obsolete?

Solution 1:

It is a matter of judgment. I will typically let std::swap do the job for prototyping code, but for release code write a custom swap. I can usually write a custom swap that is about twice as fast as 1 move construction + 2 move assignments + 1 resourceless destruction. However one may want to wait until std::swap actually proves to be a performance problem before going to the bother.

Update for Alf P. Steinbach:

20.2.2 [utility.swap] specifies that std::swap(T&, T&) has a noexcept equivalent to:

template <class T>
swap(T& a, T& b) noexcept
                    is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value &&

I.e. if move operations on T are noexcept, then std::swap on T is noexcept.

Note that this spec doesn't require move members. It only requires that construction and assignment from rvalues exists, and if it is noexcept, then swap will be noexcept. E.g.:

class A
    A(const A&) noexcept;
    A& operator=(const A&) noexcept;

std::swap<A> is noexcept, even without move members.

Solution 2:

Sure, you can implement swap as

template <class T>
void swap(T& x, T& y)
  T temp = std::move(x);
  x = std::move(y);
  y = std::move(temp);

But we might have our own class, say A, which we can swap more quickly.

void swap(A& x, A& y)
  using std::swap;
  swap(x.ptr, y.ptr);

Which, instead of having to run a constructor and destructor, just swaps the pointers (which may well be implemented as XCHG or something similar).

Of course, the compiler might optimize out the constructor/destructor calls in the first example, but if they have side effects (i.e. calls to new/delete) it may not be smart enough to optimize them away.