New posts in move-semantics

Non-copyable elements in vector

Why do some people use swap for move assignments?

Is it possible to std::move objects out of functions? (C++11)

Is the default Move constructor defined as noexcept?

Is unique_ptr guaranteed to store nullptr after move?

Passing std::string by Value or Reference [duplicate]

How does Rust provide move semantics?

Why no default move-assignment/move-constructor?

Move-only version of std::function

How to actually implement the rule of five?

Why is the mutable reference not moved here?

Why does std::move prevent RVO?

Is the pass-by-value-and-then-move construct a bad idiom?

Is there any case where a return of a RValue Reference (&&) is useful?

Efficiency of C++11 push_back() with std::move versus emplace_back() for already constructed objects

Why do we copy then move?

Is a moved-from vector always empty?

How does std::move() transfer values into RValues?

Why do you use std::move when you have && in C++11? [duplicate]

What does the standard library guarantee about self move assignment?