New posts in unique-ptr

Getting a unique_ptr out of a priority queue

Recommended usage of std::unique_ptr [duplicate]

Lock-free swap of two unique_ptr<T>

Passing unique_ptr to functions

unique_ptr and OpenSSL's STACK_OF(X509)*

How can I compile C++11 code with Orwell Dev-C++?

How to create a vector of unique pointers pointing at default constructed objects

How to make std::make_unique a friend of my class

Bad practice to return unique_ptr for raw pointer like ownership semantics?

What happens to unique_ptr after std::move()?

Raw pointer lookup for sets of unique_ptrs

Dynamic casting for unique_ptr

Use of unique_ptr and cudaMalloc

unique_ptr boost equivalent?

shared_ptr<> is to weak_ptr<> as unique_ptr<> is to... what?

std::unique_ptr, deleters and the Win32 API

Should I use shared_ptr or unique_ptr

remove unique_ptr from queue

error: ‘unique_ptr’ is not a member of ‘std’

Difference between boost::scoped_ptr<T> and std::unique_ptr<T>