New posts in unique-ptr

Alternatives of static_pointer_cast for unique_ptr

"Downcasting" unique_ptr<Base> to unique_ptr<Derived>

How can I use Unique_ptrs with an class object having std::function as argument in the constructor

Calling initializer_list constructor via make_unique/make_shared

Exception safety and make_unique

Iterating through vector<unique_ptr<mytype>> using C++11 for() loops

How do I use unique_ptr for pimpl?

C++ inserting unique_ptr in map

So can unique_ptr be used safely in stl collections?

what's the point of std::unique_ptr::get

Why can't a weak_ptr be constructed from a unique_ptr?

Why does unique_ptr take two template parameters when shared_ptr only takes one?

Should I assign or reset a unique_ptr?

Is unique_ptr guaranteed to store nullptr after move?

How does the custom deleter of std::unique_ptr work?

Is auto_ptr deprecated?

Forward declaration with unique_ptr? [duplicate]

Proper way to create unique_ptr that holds an allocated array

unique_ptr to a derived class as an argument to a function that takes a unique_ptr to a base class

How to pass std::unique_ptr around?