New posts in mime-types

Modify Firefox mimetypes.rdf to prompt Open With for application/octet-stream

"windows media player cannot play the file" mp4

extending default nginx mime.types file

Android: Let user pick image or video from Gallery

What is the mimeType attribute in <data> used for?

Detecting MIME type in PHP

How do I set up preferred applications in Nautilus by file extension, rather than by mime type?

HTTP status code for unaccepted Content-Type in request

What to set as mimetype for CSV files to open in spreadsheet applications

How to set MIME type of application/ in order to share pass by link or email

Android available mime-types?

How can I tell how many bytes a block of text in an email takes up?

How can I detect the current tab's mime type in a Google Chrome extension?

How to get MIME type of a file in PHP 5.5?

How to get MIME-type of an image with file_get_contents in PHP

Chrome downloads PNG image links. I want them to open for viewing in a new tab. How do I make Chrome do that?

How can you read a files MIME-type in objective-c

All MIME types supported by MediaRecorder in Firefox and Chrome?

Forcing application/json MIME type in a view (Flask) MVC page is giving Mime type warnings for image files