How to get MIME type of a file in PHP 5.5?
Solution 1:
Make use of the finfo()
A simple illustration:
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
echo finfo_file($finfo, "path/to/image_dir/image.gif");
Note : Windows users must include the bundled php_fileinfo.dll
DLL file in php.ini to enable this extension.
Solution 2:
I've spent too much time trying to get the finfo functions to work, properly. I finally just ended up creating my own function to match the file extension to any array of mime types. It's not a full-proof way of assuring that the files are truly what the extension denotes them to be, but that problem can be mitigated by how you process I/O of said files on your server(s).
function mime_type($file) {
// there's a bug that doesn't properly detect
// the mime type of css files
// so the following is used, instead
// src:
$mime_type = array(
"3dml" => "text/vnd.in3d.3dml",
"3g2" => "video/3gpp2",
"3gp" => "video/3gpp",
"7z" => "application/x-7z-compressed",
"aab" => "application/x-authorware-bin",
"aac" => "audio/x-aac",
"aam" => "application/x-authorware-map",
"aas" => "application/x-authorware-seg",
"abw" => "application/x-abiword",
"ac" => "application/pkix-attr-cert",
"acc" => "application/vnd.americandynamics.acc",
"ace" => "application/x-ace-compressed",
"acu" => "application/vnd.acucobol",
"adp" => "audio/adpcm",
"aep" => "application/vnd.audiograph",
"afp" => "application/",
"ahead" => "application/",
"ai" => "application/postscript",
"aif" => "audio/x-aiff",
"air" => "application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip",
"ait" => "application/vnd.dvb.ait",
"ami" => "application/vnd.amiga.ami",
"apk" => "application/",
"application" => "application/x-ms-application",
// etc...
// truncated due to Stack Overflow's character limit in posts
$extension = \strtolower(\pathinfo($file, \PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
if (isset($mime_type[$extension])) {
return $mime_type[$extension];
} else {
throw new \Exception("Unknown file type");
I'd like to address Davuz's comment (since it keeps getting up-voted) and remind everyone that I put in the pseudo disclaimer at the top that this isn't "full-proof." So, please keep that in mind when considering the approach I've offered in my answer.
Solution 3:
is not deprecated and works fine.
Why is mime_content_type() deprecated in PHP?
As of PHP 5.3, it's even built-in.
Solution 4:
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
should do it.
Taken from the docs. Your function is deprecated and probably already removed.
Solution 5:
Get the image size using:
echo $infFil["mime"]
The getimagesize
returns an associative array which have a MIME key and obviously the image size too
I used it and it works