New posts in microsoft-excel-2007

What the heck have I done to my Excel sheet (and how to undo it)?

Limit Excel CPU Usage

How to copy conditional formating to another Excel Worksheet

How to Merge Data From Multiple Excel Files into a Single Excel File or Access Database?

Excel: filter a column by more than two values

How can you make Excel 2007 stop formatting large numbers as scientific notation?

How can I use custom colours in the Microsoft VBA editor?

Filling cells with sequential numbers in an Excel (2007) spreadsheet

Change the Fill Color of a cell if the value of that cell equals the value of another specific cell

Inserting a (jpg) picture into a cell in Microsoft Excel 2007

Compare 2 text cells and show difference in the third cell

Excel-Count number of visible cells containing certain string

Color Cell Based On Text Value

How to turn hundreds of text URLs in Excel into clickable hyperlinks?

Copy Excel worksheet and maintain relative cell reference in formulas

How to unroll a row in Excel, to have a better view for editing?

General Excel setting to ignore borders when copy-pasting

Can I split a spreadsheet into multiple files based on a column in Excel 2007?

Excel: Find a subset of numbers that add to a given total?

How do I merge two tables in Excel that have identical columns?