What the heck have I done to my Excel sheet (and how to undo it)?

I have a lot of Excel sheets for all sorts of things - but none has ever acted up like this one here:

troubled excel sheet

This used to be a totally normal Excel 2007 sheet which I was able to resize, maximize etc. - but not anymore. The MDI child window is fixed, both in position and size. I cannot move it around, more can I maximize it to use the full size of the screen anymore. I cannot double-click on it's title bar to maximize it either :-(

What happened? What can I do to "undo" whatever I did to it.

Any ideas? I tried to share / undo sharing, I tried to protect / unprotect the sheet - nothing seems to work...

Solution 1:

Go to Review > Changes > Protect Workbook, and uncheck Protect Structure and Windows option. If you have set a password for it, Excel will prompt you to enter it. Otherwise, just hit enter to remove the structure and window protection.

On Excel 2011 for Mac, the process is only slighty different. On the Review tab, under Protection, click Workbook to remove the protection. See also the official online help.

Solution 2:

One way that can be done is through VBA. See here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/137033

And another VBA method: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41720

See if there are any macros associated with this sheet.

It's also possible that this is due to Workbook protection: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:02brqfAzeN4J:office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052035251033.aspx+remove+maximize+minimize+spreadsheet+window+excel&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a

UPDATE: I've been able to duplicate that issue in Excel 2007, and it is a worksheet protection issue.

In Excel 2007, select the Review tab, then click the Protect Workbook button and uncheck Protect Structures and Windows.