New posts in measure-theory

Two definitions of Lebesgue integration

What is the relation between weak convergence of measures and weak convergence from functional analysis

The set of convergence of a sequence of measurable functions is measurable

Pre-image of a measurable set A is always measurable?

Sub-dimensional linear subspaces of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ have measure zero.

Borel-Cantelli Lemma "Corollary" in Royden and Fitzpatrick

Lebesgue density theorem in the line

Uniqueness of product measure (non $\sigma$-finite case)

Showing that rationals have Lebesgue measure zero.

Properties of the functions $f(x-t)$ for $t \in \mathbb{R}$

Vitali set of outer-measure exactly $1$.

Is $(f\mapsto\int_\Omega f d\mu)\in L^1(\Omega,\lambda)^*$?

Haar Measure of a Topological Ring

Metric assuming the value infinity

What is the Kolmogorov Extension Theorem good for?

Difference between Modification and Indistinguishable

When exactly is the dual of $L^1$ isomorphic to $L^\infty$ via the natural map?

Cartesian product of two collections of sets?

Prove that/Explain how for independent random variables $X_i$, we have $f_i(X_i)$ are independent (in particular without measure theory)

Folland, "Real Analysis", Chapter 5.3, Exercise 36.