New posts in measure-theory

Is there a measurable set $A$ such that $m(A \cap B) = \frac12 m(B)$ for every open set $B$?

Example of an algebra which is not a σ-algebra.

The Definite Integral Problem (with a twist)?

Hölder's inequality with three functions

Apparent inconsistency of Lebesgue measure

Proving that a spectral measure is $\sigma$-additive

What is the measure of the set of numbers in $[0,1]$ whose decimal expansions do not contain $5$?

We have sums, series and integrals. What's next?

Theorem of Steinhaus

Union of $\sigma$-algebras (Çınlar Exercise 1.18)

Prove that a series converges. [duplicate]

Self-Studying Measure Theory and Integration

Jordan measure zero discontinuities a necessary condition for integrability

series of bounded measurable functions converge implies coefficients convergence

Interpretation of sigma algebra

Summing over General Functions of Primes and an Application to Prime $\zeta$ Function

Doubt in Scheffe's Lemma

Orthonormal basis for product $L^2$ space

Has the notion of having a complex amount of dimensions ever been described? And what about negative dimensionality?

If two measures agree on generating sets, do they agree on all measurable sets?