New posts in measure-theory

If a measure is semifinite, then there are sets of arbitrarily large but finite measure

Positive outer measure set and nonmeasurable subset

Baire space homeomorphic to irrationals

The domain of the Haar measure of the $n$-dimensional Torus

Is there a general theory of the "improper" Lebesgue integral?

Omitting the hypotheses of finiteness of the measure in Egorov theorem

Constructing the Haar measure of the $n$-dimensional Torus

Reinventing The Wheel - Part 2: The Lebesgue Integral

Prove or disprove a claim related to $L^p$ space

Haar measure on $SO(n)$

Prove that every Lebesgue measurable function is equal almost everywhere to a Borel measurable function

What is the definition of a measurable set?

What is an example of a lambda-system that is not a sigma algebra?

Example of a general random variable with finite mean but infinite variance

Why are continuous functions not dense in $L^\infty$?

Discontinuity set of derivative

Rate of Weak Convergence for a Sequence of Probability Measures

Lebesgue density strictly between 0 and 1

Understanding proof of completeness of $L^{\infty}$ [closed]

Comparing the Lebesgue measure of an open set and its closure