New posts in measure-theory

Is there a dense subset of [0,1] of measure 1/2 whose complement is also dense?

Example of strictly subadditive lebesgue outer measure

Random variables defined on the same probability space with different distributions

Finding simple, step, and continuous functions to satisfy Lebesgue integral conditions

Is integration by substitution a special case of Radon–Nikodym theorem?

Finitely additive measure over $\mathbb{N}$, under AD.

Is there a nonmeasurable set in R in which all the measurable subsets are countable?

$C_c(X)$ dense in $L_1(X)$

Every subset of $\mathbb{R}$ with finite measure is the disjoint union of a finite number of measurable sets

Monotone increasing sequence of random variable that converge in probability implies convergence almost surely

Sum of two closed sets is measurable

Open set whose boundary is not a null set

Uniform $L^p$ bound on finite measure implies uniform integrability

The difference between convergence in $L^{\infty}$ and almost uniformly

Why do we call it a $\sigma$-algebra?

every subset of a measurable set is measurable

How to find a function that minimize the following expectation

$\mu \otimes \nu(A \times B)=\mu(A)\nu(B)$

Is there an open dense set $S \subset [0,1]$ such that $m(S)<1$?

Fubini and induction for a sum over a set $Q$