New posts in meaning-in-context

Meaning of "beat down"

What is an 'end-of-the-pier entertainment'?

What does "we can make it last" mean?

"Happy to" vs "happy for"

Meaning of "contumelist"

Adjective order (where to put the adjective )

Pararphrasing question

Help in deciphering the meaning of this convoluted sentence

Meaning of "would" in "the men of Gotham would have kept the Cuckoo so that she might sing all the year"

Not on my watch, he will or he won't?

Alternative term/phrase to 'Rule of thumb'?

I'm searching for the meaning of "Up to"

Is the usage of "consult" idiomatic in this context?

What does a 'skein of prejudice' mean?

What is the meaning of "I believe you're up"?

What does “snug as a nun’s wimple or loose as a suggestion mean?

What does "templed my fingers" mean?

What is the meaning of “in his hat five ways”?

Meaning of "It was a shortcut for her. She entered at ease within its complexity, at home in song and in feeling."

Grammar question from A Christmas Carol: meaning of "quite as well that -- as have"?