New posts in matrices

What is the relation between $\det(A^TA)$ and $\det(AA^T)$ for an $m\times n$ matrix $A$? [closed]

What is the least value of $k$ for which $B^k = I$?

Given a matrix A, how to find B such that AB=BA [duplicate]

every real symmetric matrix has at least one real eigenvalue. [duplicate]

Rotated coordinates on a unit sphere

$n = \sum_i d_i = \sum_i d_i^{-1} \implies d_i = 1$

Determinant of $4\times4$ Matrix

Finding Jordan Basis of a matrix

Why, if we have more columns than rows, can the columns not be linearly independent?

Showing when a permutation matrix is diagonizable over $\mathbb R$ and over $\mathbb C$

A linear map $\varphi$ such that $\varphi (GL_n(\mathbb C) )\subseteq GL_n(\mathbb C)$ preserves the rank

Least squares / residual sum of squares in closed form

Evaluate the determinant of a Hessenberg matrix

The root system of $sl(3,\mathbb C)$

Commutativity of matrix and its transpose

The rank and eigenvalues of the operator $T(M) = AM - MA$ on the space of matrices

What is the largest determinant you can get by filling in 0,1 or 2 into a 4-by-4 matrix?

Is it possible to decompose a matrix as the product of two vectors?

How to know if vector is in column space of a matrix?

Product of positive definite and seminegative definite matrices