New posts in matrices

Connection between PCA and linear regression

What is the solution to this matrix optimization problem $A^* = \text{argmin}_{A} \sum_{i=1}^{r-1}|Ax_i-x_{i+1}|^2$?

Prove or disprove : $\det(A^k + B^k) \geq 0$

Eigenvalues of a row-reduced matrix on the main diagonal still?

Why is the largest element of symmetric, positive semidefinite matrix on the diagonal?

The matrix exponential: Any good books?

Changes in singular values of matrix when rows are added

$\det(I+A)=1+\operatorname{Tr}(A)$ if $\operatorname{rank}(A)=1$

Intuition for connectedness of positive definite matrices

Is there a semi-norm that respects matrix similitary?

When is a complex symmetric matrix with only the last row and column being non zero diagonalizable?

Has there been a rigorous analysis of Strassen's algorithm?

Is the general linear group generated by elementary matrices?

Proving if A and B are matrices such that A, B, and AB are normal, then BA is also normal.

Let $A$ be a $4\times2$ matrix and $B$ be a $2\times4$ matrix. Find $BA$ when $AB$ is given.

how to find the eigenvalues of permutation matrices?

If $A$ is a matrix such that $A^T = A^2$, what are eigenvalues of $A$?

Why is SVD on $X$ preferred to eigendecomposition of $XX^\top$ in PCA?

Quick method for finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors in a symmetric $5 \times 5$ matrix?

Eigenvalues of a tridiagonal trigonometric matrix