New posts in markov-process

Constructing Martingales from Markov Processes

Strong Markov property of Brownian motion

Finding the transition probably matrix

Select a new value from last $N$ values; how long until the last $N$ are all the same?

Expected number of steps between states in a Markov Chain

Is the transition semigroup of the solution of an SDE with Lipschitz coefficients strongly continuous on $C_b$?

Expected value of steps taken to hit +1 on a 1D integer random walk given you start from zero?

Markov Decision Process

Difference in probability distributions from two different kernels

Hilbert's Barber Shop

Markov chains: is "aperiodic + irreducible" equivalent to "regular"?

Interpretation for the determinant of a stochastic matrix?

Motivation of Feynman-Kac formula and its relation to Kolmogorov backward/forward equations?

Continuous functions on $\{0,1\}^\mathbb{N}$

Why does a time-homogeneous Markov process possess the Markov property?

Convergence of discrete-time Markov chain to Feller processes

Transition matrix exercise

Is $(B_t^2)$ Markov where $(B_t)$ is Brownian motion?

Is the state space of a transient irreductible Markov chain infinite?

Markov strong property exercise