New posts in markdown

Render Markdown in Emacs buffer

Syntax highlighting markdown code blocks in Jekyll (without using liquid tags)

how can i put fontawesome icons in markdown ? (readme file that will be uploaded to github)

Include HTML files in R Markdown file?

Programmatically convert pandas dataframe to markdown table

Installation guide txt file

Escaping dollar sign in ipython notebook

SublimeText 3 Syntax Highlighting Markdown List Asterisk

Using Markdown, how do I center an image and its caption?

Figure position in markdown when converting to PDF with knitr and pandoc

Embed JavaScript in GitHub

Github: How to embed a gist into

In Markdown, how do I start a line with a number without creating a list?

Placing links inside markdown code blocks

Ulysses on macOS - share local content between user accounts [without iCloud]

Display pdf image in markdown

How to escape the (hash) # sign in a Github markdown header? (backslash is not working)

Regex - extract all headers from markdown string

Producing subscripts in R markdown

Run R markdown (.Rmd) from inside other R script to produce HTML