Include HTML files in R Markdown file?

Solution 1:

Here is a hack (probably inelegant)...idea is to directly insert HTML programmatically in Rmd and then render Rmd.

temp.Rmd file:

title: "Introduction"
author: "chinsoon12"
date: "April 10, 2016"
output: html_document


etc, etc, etc

```{r, echo=FALSE}

etc, etc, etc

test.html file:




        <p>This is an R HTML document. When you click the <b>Knit HTML</b> button a web page will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the document. You can embed an R code chunk like this:</p>

        <p>test test</p>


verbose code to replace Rmd code with HTML code and then render (can probably be shortened by a lot)

subHtmlRender <- function(mdfile, htmlfile) {
    #replace <<insertHTML:htmlfile with actual html code
    #but without beginning white space
    lines <- readLines(mdfile)
    toSubcode <- paste0("<<insertHTML:[",htmlfile,"]")
    location <- which(stri_detect_fixed(lines, toSubcode) )
    htmllines <- stri_trim(readLines(htmlfile))

    #render html doc
    newRmdfile <- tempfile("temp", getwd(), ".Rmd")
    newlines <- c(lines[1:(location-1)],
                  lines[min(location+1, length(lines)):length(lines)])  #be careful when insertHTML being last line in .Rmd file
    write(newlines, newRmdfile)
    rmarkdown::render(newRmdfile, "html_document")
} #end subHtmlRender

subHtmlRender("temp.Rmd", "test.html")

EDIT: htmltools::includeHTML also works with the sample files that I provided. Is it because your particular html does not like UTF8-encoding?

EDIT: taking @MikeWilliamson comments into feedback

I tried the following

  1. copied and pasted animated_choropleth.html into a blank .Rmd
  2. remove references to as I had access issues while rendering (see below)
  3. knit HTML
  4. put back those cloudfare weblinks
  5. put the graphs in the same folder as the rendered html
  6. open the HTML

I appear to get back the html but am not sure if the result is what you expect

Are you also facing the same issue in pt 2? You might want to post the error message and ask for fixes :). This was my error message

pandoc.exe: Failed to retrieve
FailedConnectionException2 "" 80 False getAddrInfo: does not exist (error 11001)
Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 61

Solution 2:

Did you try the includes: option in your YAML header?

But maybe you'll have the same problem I have: I'd like to include the HTML file in a specific section in my RMarkdown document, not in the header or before/after body.