SublimeText 3 Syntax Highlighting Markdown List Asterisk

I installed the packages MarkdownExtended and MonokaiExtended, which gives me an already quite good highlighting for markdown files. However, being a perfectionist, I want to color the asterisks of unordered lists in markdown. The color scheme is set to Monokai Extended and I've edited that .tmTheme file under Packages/User/Color Highlighter/themes/Monokai Extended.tmTheme (careful, that's a big big text file) as follows:

        <string>Markdown: List Items Punctuation</string>

This seems to be exactly what I am looking for, however, the color of the asterisks doesn't change. Is there some other file or position in the file I need to edit? What did I overlook?


There seems to have been some issue with my Sublime Text 3. When I opened the Monokai Extended.tmTheme the file inflated and got a hundred thousand lines. Now I opened it with another text editor and then changed the values like this:

        <string>Markdown: List Items Punctuation</string>

This results in the following behavior:

enter image description here

So the first asterisk is already colored, only missing the other ones...


  • SublimeText 3 (v3103)
  • Packages: Markdown Extended, Monokai Extended
  • Syntax Highlighting is set to Markdown Extended
  • Color Scheme is set to Monokai Extended
  • Want to color asterisks of unordered lists in markdown files

Chosen Solution

I used the code in the accepted answer, but I changed it a little bit, so that it includes indented asterisks:

- match: \G\s+(?=\S)
        - meta_scope: meta.paragraph.list.markdown
        - match: ^\s*$
            pop: true
        - match: '^([ ]{0,4}|\t{0,1})([*+-])(?=\s)'
            scope: punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown
        - match: '^([ ]{0,4}|\t{0,1})([0-9]+)(\.)(?=\s)'
                1: punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown punctuation.definition.list_item.number.markdown
                2: punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown
        - include: inline


I've now changed it again in order to allow only certain indentations to cause the color change:

- match: \G\s+(?=\S)
        - meta_scope: meta.paragraph.list.markdown
        - match: ^\s*$
            pop: true
        - match: '^([ ]{2}|[ ]{4}|[ ]{6}|[ ]{8}|[ ]{10}|[ ]{12}|\t{0,3})([*+-])(?=\s)'
            scope: punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown
        - match: '^([ ]{2}|[ ]{4}|[ ]{6}|[ ]{8}|[ ]{10}|[ ]{12}|\t{0,3})([0-9]+)(\.)(?=\s)'
                1: punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown punctuation.definition.list_item.number.markdown
                2: punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown
        - include: inline

You'll need to edit the Markdown Extended syntax definition file, which is locked up in a zipped .sublime-package archive, so first you'll need to install PackageResourceViewer. Once installed, open the Command Palette and type prv to bring up the PackageResourceViewer options. Select PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource, then Markdown Extended, then Markdown Extended.sublime-syntax. The selection menu will stay open, just hit Esc to get rid of it.

In Markdown Extended.sublime-syntax, scroll down to approximately line 1172 (in the current version, it may change) to the section entitled list-paragraph. It should look like this:

  - match: \G\s+(?=\S)
      - meta_scope: meta.paragraph.list.markdown
      - match: ^\s*$
        pop: true
      - include: inline

To make it recognize multiple list items, change that section to this:

  - match: \G\s+(?=\S)
      - meta_scope: meta.paragraph.list.markdown
      - match: ^\s*$
        pop: true
      - match: '^\s{0,4}([*+-])(?=\s)'
        scope: punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown
      - match: '^\s{0,4}([0-9]+)(\.)(?=\s)'
          1: punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown punctuation.definition.list_item.number.markdown
          2: punctuation.definition.list_item.markdown
      - include: inline

Save the file (it should automatically save in the right spot), and your list items should now be highlighted appropriately.