New posts in manifolds

How do I prove that a subset of a manifold is not a submanifold?

Prove the existence of such an immersion

Diffeomorphism of $S_n = \{(x,y,z,w) \in \mathbb{R}^4 \mid x^n+y^n+z^n+w^n=1\}$

Problem 3-38 in Spivak´s Calculus on Manifolds

How to Kill Homotopy Groups Using Framed Cobordism?

Higher math and statistics/probability

Is the union of a compact and the relatively compact components of its complementary in a manifold compact? [duplicate]

Components in the complement of compact subset in manifold

Definition of a Cartesian coordinate system

When Two Connections Determine the Same Geodesics

Is the cuspidal cubic $\{y^2 = x^3\} \subset \Bbb R^2$ not smooth?

Product of spaces is a manifold with boundary. What can be said about the spaces themselves?

How to prove that a vector bundle is trivial iff there are n global sections that form a basis on each fiber?

Characterization of $\mathbb{R}^n$?

Critical Curves of the Energy Functional are Geodesics

Soft question: How does basic differential geometry "fit together"?

Tangent bundle of sphere as a complex manifold

The (orbifold) space of symmetric complex matrix

Second (and higher) derivatives of maps between manifolds

What does it mean to apply a vector field to a scalar function?