New posts in lightdm

Cannot login after suspend with multiple monitors

Which display manager should I choose when installing Gnome 3 [closed]

Failed to start Login service after upgrade to 17.10

Terminal login into lightdm

Login Screen/Background Change? (kubuntu)

Login Loop and strange PWD

16.04: lightdm(lockscreen) can't connect to wifi. (1) Insufficient privileges

How can I change the keyboard layout in the login screen? [duplicate]

.xsession ignored, Ubuntu 12.10

Switching between console and GUI in ubuntu

How to start lightdm services at startup

Ubuntu 12.04 Unity: Black screen with cursor only, when external display is connected before booting laptop

/etc/X11/Xsession & LightDM

About the 'who' command & it's Output on '14.04 TrustyTahr'

Upgrade to 13.04, user picture shows up on lightdm. Can I change it?

Trying to figure out what happened with LightDM and Xorg

KDE overrides lightdm logon screen [duplicate]

How to disable guest session ONLY from login screen?

Gnome 3 always hangs after logon

How to get Pantheon Greeter on Ubuntu 14.04 instead of Unity Greeter