Cannot login after suspend with multiple monitors

Solution 1:

Here is a workaround that uses the idea from Malith's answer, but automates a few steps, let me know if it works for you, and if not, I have some other ideas that may work.

Create a file named /etc/systemd/system/suspend-workaround.service, with the following content:

Description=suspend lightdm workaround

ExecStart=/bin/chvt 1
ExecStop=/bin/chvt 7


Type the following on a terminal to reload systemd files and enable the unit above:

sudo systemctl enable suspend-workaround.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Try to suspend and report your results.

EDIT: If the above unlocks your session (it shouldn't), you can make your session lock post resume, by replacing the ExecStop=/bin/chvt 7 with ExecStop=/bin/chvt 7 ; /bin/loginctl lock-sessions.

You can also disable session locking on system settings, and force it to lock post resume using a systemd script like the one above, by calling /bin/loginctl lock-sessions and leaving all the chvt stuff out.

Solution 2:

When you needed to suspend, do it using the shell opened by Ctrl + Alt + F2 login to that shell using your username and password. Then type sudo pm-suspend to suspend the machine. (If not, try installing pm-utils using sudo apt-get install pm-utils) To resume, press any key and you will see the last shell window. Now you can press Ctrl + Alt + F7 to get your Unity session.