Failed to start LSB: Virtualbox Linux kernel module [closed]

When I try to boot Ubuntu my system shows this.. i have two operating systems windows 10-ubuntu 15.10...when i try to boot ubuntu it appears the ubuntu logo and after that this i cannot log in or open up my terminal.. enter image description here

How can I deal with this problem?

Turn off secure boot in your BIOS. That should fix it.

To enter your BIOS, turn on your computer, and watch the BIOS flash screen and it'll usually tell you what key to touch to enter the BIOS (usually a function key). Once in the BIOS settings, depending on your BIOS, you might see a security section or tab. Find the secure boot option and turn it off, save your changes, and reboot the computer.

Update #1:

To perform a file system check...

  • boot to the GRUB menu (where you select which OS to start)
  • choose Advanced Options
  • choose Recovery mode
  • choose Root access
  • at the # prompt, type sudo fsck -f /
  • you can ignore errors about the time/date/superblock
  • repeat the fsck command if there were other errors
  • type reboot

Update #2:

To remove virtualbox...

  • boot to the GRUB menu (where you select which OS to start)
  • choose Advanced Options
  • choose Recovery mode
  • choose Root access
  • at the # prompt, type:
  • sudo mount -o rw,remount /
  • sudo dpkg -P virtualbox-qt
  • sudo dpkg -P virtualbox
  • reboot

Update #3:

To try and fix failed updates...

  • boot to the GRUB menu (where you select which OS to start)
  • choose Advanced Options
  • choose Recovery mode
  • choose Root access
  • at the # prompt, type:
  • sudo mount -o rw,remount /
  • sudo dpkg --configure -a
  • sudo apt-get install -f
  • reboot

Update #4:

After many failed attempts to fix the problems, you're going to have to reinstall Ubuntu. I don't think that the virtualbox install caused this problem. There must have been something wrong before, even if you didn't know it. I'd always recommend that you have good Windows and Ubuntu backups, just in case anything goes wrong. You'll need a Ubuntu 15.10 DVD/USB, choose reinstall so that it reinstalls into the same place as is currently used, but make sure to uncheck format partition so it'll keep your /home directory.