Bluetooth audio lag Ubuntu 17.10

Solution 1:

There is a, still running, 2012 PulseAudio bug: "bluetooth audio out of sync when connection temporarily drops"

In a nutshell anytime there is a drop in the connection quality, audio packets accumulate in the buffer, causing a delay. Connection quality drop can happen very easily, passing your hand in front of the receiver might cause it. In my case this problem also cause a computer crash after a few repetitions.

However if, instead of using high quality audio A2DP sink, I use "HSP/HFP", when connection quality drop I get a very bad, speaking in a tin box-like sound, but no delay is building. Like audio packets are dropped instead of being hogged.

However the audio quality of "HSP/HFS" is very poor and is only suitable for "one speaker at a time"-like audio.

It seems to me some, at least, of the similar questions you gathered, are related to this PulseAudio Buffering Issue (buffering is legitimate, but what is to be done when connection quality drop; and is it actually legitimate in a real time setting?).

Anyway, IMO the only solution is to wait for a proper solution to this issue. Even though it's opened since 2012.