New posts in lie-groups

Homogeneous space and nice manifolds

Universal Covering Group of $SO(1,3)^{\uparrow}$

Uniqueness of bi-invariant metrics on Lie groups?

A covering map from a differentiable manifold

Is a faithful representation of the orthogonal group on a vector space equivalent to a choice of inner product?

$S^2=SO(3)/SO(2)$. Does this mean that $S^2 = SU(2)/U(1) $?

How to see that SL(2,C) is simply connected?

Lie Groups/Lie algebras to algebraic groups

Expression of unitary group , the discrete subgroups and invariants

Tangent space of quotient space

Homology and Euler characteristics of the classical Lie groups

Why does exponentiating the derivative yield the shift operator?

Exponential maps of $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $T^n$

Is there an infinite dimensional Lie group associated to the Lie algebra of all vector fields on a manifold?

What is the dimension of this Grassmannian?

How many group structures make $S^1$ a topological group?

Name and layperson's explanation for an E8 group diagram.

Prove that the manifold $SO(n)$ is connected

Holonomy of Lie groups

Non surjectivity of the exponential map to GL(2,R)