New posts in japanese

What is the first known Japanese loan word that entered the English language?

16.04 Japanese Text Input not working

How can I type Japanese characters?

Which punctuation (if any) should accompany the inclusion of Japanese characters in an English text?

English equivalent of "amae" (甘え) - the feeling of pleasurable dependence on another person

How to use auditpol to check the setting, if the category is in Japanese?

Can't use command+space to change input source

Japanese (Mozc) Wrong Keyboard Layout

Japanese IME on Windows: switch back to romaji input method

Anthy Japanese is using Japanese keyboard layout. How do I use US?

Offline iPhone app to recognize Japanese words

Japanese input on 16.04 with Fcitx and Mozc

Microsoft IME + Japanese: Force Hiragana input by default?

Japanese default input mode

Why tsunami instead of tidal wave? [closed]

When using mozc to input Japanese, it's using the last selected keyboard layout to input romaji - can I fix which one it uses?

How can I type ティ "tei" (small ィ) in Japanese on OSX?

How do I get a backslash when in Japanese input mode in MacOS?

Make IBus-Mozc start in Hiragana rather than Direct input mode

Adding words to Hiragana input's dictionary