New posts in italics

How do you refer to letters of the alphabet?

Italicization of "aka"

Should one italicise an italicised phase within a book title?

Books and other things with the same name

Possessives of a title in italics

When should Latinisms be Italicized? [duplicate]

In film reviews/essays about a book or film, does the title of the movie/book always have to be highlighted/put in italics? [closed]

Indicate title without italics or underline

Trans Fat is italicized

Are software titles italicized?

Why is "de facto" often written in italic?

Whence “emphasis mine”?

When using the French word "sans" in an English sentence, should I use italics?

So, are single quotes, double quotes or italics most appropriate here? [closed]

Use of Italics for Latin Text

Should "et al." be in italics?

fait accompli – to italicize, or not to italicize

Correct spelling/italicization of e.g., i.e.? [closed]

Should punctuation surrounding italicised words be italicised?

Usage of italics in writing