New posts in inverse

Why is the inverse of a sum of matrices not the sum of their inverses?

Inverse function of $\operatorname{li}(x)$ over $x>\mu$?

Use Euclid's Algorithm to find the multiplicative inverse

Justify, without evaluating, that the determinant of the following matrix is zero

Why is the inverse of an average of numbers not the same as the average of the inverse of those same numbers?

Is $A + A^{-1}$ always invertible?

Characterize the groups $G$ for which the map $\iota: G \to G$, sending $x \mapsto x^{-1}$ for all $x \in G$, is an automorphism of $G$

Matrix algebra: The "magical inverse" trick

When A and B are of different order given the $\det(AB)$,then calculate $\det(BA)$

Inverse of a block matrix with singular diagonal blocks

$A^{-1}$ has integer entries if and only if the ${\rm det}\ (A) =\pm 1$

Existence of continuous angle function $\theta:S^1\to\mathbb{R}$

Find the modular inverse of $19\pmod{141}$

mean and variance of reciprocal normal distribution

Proving the inverse (if any) of a lower triangular matrix is lower triangular

When is the derivative of an inverse function equal to the reciprocal of the derivative?

Positive definiteness of difference of inverse matrices

Will inverse functions, and functions always meet at the line $y=x$?

What is inverse function to XOR?

What can be said about a matrix which is both symmetric and orthogonal?