New posts in internationalization

How can I install a complete Arabic font?

Physical keyboard layout menu not showing when keyboard connected to iPhone / iPad (iOS 13/14)

How can I create a multilingual android application?

HTML meta tag for content language

Using international phone numbers on iPhone

Ruby 1.9: how can I properly upcase & downcase multibyte strings?

Simplified and Traditional Chinese vs Regions

How do I get localized date pattern string?

How do I type a Greek delta with a circumflex?

tree command shown Chinese character as unicode

Rails I18n, check if translation exists?

Ruby method to remove accents from UTF-8 international characters

Best approach to null safe AppLocalization strings

iPhone Photos Geolocation Displayed in Wrong Language

Do I have to enter my real and true information when making Apple ID account?

Patches and translations

Python - can I detect unicode string language code?

Can I fix VMware Fusion to correctly map the tilde / back tick on a British keyboard?

How do I turn on phonetic typing for Tamil?

Adding to accented characters available on OS X Keyboard