New posts in internationalization

NSLocale currentLocale always returns "en_US" not user's current language

How to change the spell check language in Pages 5?

Different keyboard mapping on external keyboard

MacOS Catalina keyboard layout

I got an image on terminal from the output of homebrew package manager

Language codes for simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese?

What's the best option to display Unicode text (hebrew, etc.) in VB6

Microsoft Word right-to-left (RTL) support

With a browser, how do I know which decimal separator does the operating system use?

How do I create a translations team?

How can i change and customize the special characters on my keyboard?

internationalization in JSF with ResourceBundle entries which are loaded from database

How to stop Terminal from using special characters?

Can I change the locale for a single application?

Changing the development language in Xcode

Safari browser showing question marks instead of English [duplicate]

Spanish accents on US keyboard

Matching accented characters with Javascript regexes

How to insert a vector notation in Keynote/Pages?

Is there an open source java enum of ISO 3166-1 country codes