Ruby method to remove accents from UTF-8 international characters

Solution 1:

I generally use I18n to handle this:

1.9.3p392 :001 > require "i18n"
 => true
1.9.3p392 :002 > I18n.transliterate("Hé les mecs!")
 => "He les mecs!"

Solution 2:

The parameterize method could be a nice and simple solution to remove special characters in order to use the string as human readable identifier:

> "Françoise Isaïe".parameterize
=> "francoise-isaie"

Solution 3:

So far the following is the only way I've been able to accomplish what I need:

But using this feels very 'hackish', and I would love to find a better way.

Solution 4:

If you are using rails:

"L'Oréal".parameterize(separator: ' ')